Wenatchee explores co-working spaces by visiting others
At the 2013 RP2P conference, a concept was brought forth in group discussions regarding co-working spaces. One of the participants had heard about several co-working spaces and their successes in other cities. As a result, a group of economic development professionals visited Seattle to learn more. The group learned the value of co-working spaces in terms of affordability, social interaction, teamwork, community building, and the elimination of isolation for entrepreneurs. In addition, co-working spaces offer an environment that fosters innovation and creativity through shared work space and a creative environment.
Mason County creates a new plan – and becomes a P2P site in 2015
We had a great event! About 50 folks showed up for an afternoon program, we has an assistant state economist give a great talk about the national, state and local Mason county economy along with the forecasts. We showed the second segment of the video to inspire ideas, then had someone talk about a local effort in Port Townsend – a highlight was his discussion of a Local Investing Organizing network they have in Jefferson Co, that has really helped jumpstart local businesses. Then we did a SWAT analysis for Mason County. Our new EDC director will use that as a basis for creating a strategic plan which she will lead the development of over the next 10 months. We feel we hit the mark with this one. We called it “Getting to Yes: Enhancing Mason County’s Entrepreneurial Environment”. Bob Simmons, County Extension Director
Stevens County takes it to three Chambers
Becky McCray’s 90-minute webinar presentation has been divided into three segments and loaded on to the WSU Extension’s YouTube Channel. These videos have examples, techniques and discussions of how to utilize existing resources and catalyze your small community around a clear vision for economic growth by engaging partners and building your local economy from within. You don’t need to rely on outside resources to build a successful entrepreneurial climate.
In a one-hour session (i.e., a luncheon Chamber meeting) you can view one segment, then use the appropriate section of the P2P Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Brainstorm Form (also linked below) to start mapping your community, identifying projects or resources that will improve it and share ideas for community development and revitalization. Discuss how to engage partners and residents around a common vision and how to use existing resources to grow the local economy by filling out the P2P Entrepreneurial Ecosystem Action Plan.